Interview on “Around The Kit” podcast

Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be a guest on Joe Gansas’ great drumming podcast called “Around The Kit” on Sunday, June 26th at 10pm eastern.

You can listen to the show live by going to this link: Around The Kit

You can call in during the show to ask questions by calling this number: (646) 787-8027

The show starts at 8pm with Johnny Rabb, followed by Joe Bergamini a 9:15 and then me at 10pm and Jarrah Jane at 10:30.

Here’s a video promo for the show:

The Official LEVEL5 logo

And now for the logo. Every band needs one. It took a little doing. Well, the design went through several versions. The head of Mutant Cat Records, our label, is very finicky (ha ha!!!) and kept rejecting logos. Finally he approved one that we liked too. So here it is!!

I know, I know–it’s just a logo, but I’m diggin’ it. Hope you like it too.

More announcements to come shortly…

Drummers Resource Podcast Interview with Mark Feldman

So, the other day, I was interviewed for Nick Ruffini’s podcast on Drummer’s Resource. It was a pretty free-flowing discussion and we covered a lot of ground, including:

–How to develop your own voice on the drum set
–The story of my winning the Modern Drummer Neil Peart Drum Solo Contest
–Being entrepreneurial in order to survive as an artist

And tons more. Check it out.

Here’s the link so you can listen: MF on Drummer’s Resource

Mark Feldman’s page on the New Vic Firth Website

A few weeks back, I went to check out the Vic Firth website, as I knew they were making some changes to it. I took a look through the “artist endorser” section and I discovered a “Mark Feldman” page which had not previously existed on the old site.

Imagine my delight. And I’m still delighted. I am very grateful to the Vic Firth company for allowing me to represent them as an endorser, a relationship which has existed for over twenty years. Thanks for the page, guys–it means a lot to me.

If you want to check out the page in all it’s glory, click this link: MF’s Vic Firth Page

Inside the Beastie Boys’ Oscilloscope Studios

Last month I went to the studio with Evan Stanley to record five tracks for his band The Notions. The studio has some real historical significance, and that was part of the day’s fun.

Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys had the place built so that the band could have a low pressure place to record their own material. In fact, the Beastie Boys recorded “To the 5 Boroughs,” “The Mix-Up,” and “Hot Sauce Committee Part 2” there. In addition, Jack White, M.I.A., James Murphy, and Phoenix have also recorded at Oscilloscope.

There was cool Beasties paraphernalia all over the place, and evidence of Adam Yauch’s sense of humor was everywhere too. The best example of this was when I opened the door marked with the word “Restroom,” I found myself walking into a storage closet. That joke is played on every single visitor of the studio on their first visit, and the idea was Yauch’s.

Check out the photos below for more from the session (click to enlarge).

The Notions at Arlene’s 12-1-15 at 10pm

I’m excited to tell you about a show I’m playing at Arlene’s Grocery, this coming Tuesday, 12/1 at 10pm. It’s with a great new rock band called The Notions.

Here’s one of the tracks we’ll be playing on Tuesday–the song features Evan Stanley on Guitar and vocals, Sergio Ortega on bass, and my good buddy Shane Considine on drums.

Try to come by. Here’s the FB invite in case you want to “join.”

Click Here for Facebook Invite

More Recording Sessions!

The past several weeks have seen me in the recording studio with my new band, LEVEL5, and another new project, IDOLS.

The recent LEVEL5 session took place at Brooklyn’s Virtue & Vice studios, where I tracked drums for the upcoming EP. Nice place. Drew Guido behind the board. I played on a Ludwig Centennial drum kit: 20″ bass drum, 12″ high tom, and 14″ floor. My trusty brass Pearl 14″ x 6.5″ free floating snare was on the job. Here’s a photo:

LEVEL5 is my take on fusion–all original songs–it’s got some tricky things here and there, and there is soloing, but the majority of the playing is about groove. I am thrilled about who is playing on these tracks. I can’t tell you yet, but I CAN say that they are among the best musicians on the planet!

The other recent session was for IDOLS, a new heavy rock band I am playing in with Andrea Montgomery and Lily Maase–both of whom absolutely ripped it on guitar. Think Soundgarden or Black Sabbath and you’re in the ball park. This is loud and heavy. We tracked at 2nd Story Sound with producer Jeff Cook. The photo up top is of me at that session—spinning the sticks, of course.

Lots of other really cool new stuff coming up that I can’t disclose…I’ll keep you posted!

The birth of IDOLS

So, MANCIE has closed it’s doors for the moment. And although that makes me a bit sad, I’m also excited because there is a new rock band in town—IDOLS.

MANCIE’s most recent incarnation, with Lily Maase joining us on guitar, and Yuka Tadano on bass, was decidedly heavier. Andrea was writing heavier stuff. I was inspired by the heaviness of Soundgarden; particularly after that moment when I almost got an audition with them….

So, MANCIE closed up shop and IDOLS was born. We’re writing and jamming now. It’s going to take a minute, but the process has begun and plans for recording are underway. Rest assured, we’re not trying to please anyone, we’re not trying to fit any mold, and we’re not trying to get on the Hot 100. All that we care about is making music we like and bringing it out to play for you.

And that, in my experience, is how the best stuff happens…..


LEVEL5 Update

Things are moving along with my new band, LEVEL5.

I’ve been in the studio–Brooklyn’s Degraw sound–recording drums. I chose three songs from the eight originals that were written for me. The recording of the drums is almost complete….I think there is one more session I have to do in order to finish.

The always amazing Adam Klipple has put some keyboards on the three songs, and then I will think about guitars and bass. There are some “scratch” guitars and bass on the three tracks already, but it is possible that they will be replaced. Although I’m not going to tell you who put the “scratch” guitars and bass on the tracks, you have probably heard of him (heh heh).

Overall, this recording is coming along well. I’m getting excited! Originally I was thinking these would be demos, but it is entirely possible that this could become a 3 song EP. Stay tuned. I should have music and more news to share soon.

Then, release plans, gigs, and lots of fun stuff will ensue….

Judy Cehmm Recording Session at Let Em In Studios

This week I had the pleasure of recording with producer Felix McTeigue at Let Em In Studios in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Behind the board, Drew Guido, a frequent collaborator, was engineering the session.

The artist? Judy Cehmm, a very talented and unique singer.

Her album is due out in September….I will keep you updated on the progress of it’s release.

The session was great fun and I recorded five tracks of Judy’s electro-pop music. The songs rely heavily on the drumming, so it was great to be such an important part of her music. The music is very modern with a lot of keyboards and some real influence from electronica. I also heard a lot of Madonna and disco in the songs, which I translated into my drum parts.

There were a few songs where I got a chance to overplay a bit….I was asked to! All in all a really fun session and Judy and her manager Emma were both beautiful and warm. Looking forward to playing with them again.